van Roden, Edward L.

Edward van Roden (1892-1973) was a Pennsylvania judge who served on a special postwar committee (The Simpson Commission) to investigate possible prisoner abuse and torture by Americans against captive Germans. Among the many war crimes of World War Two was the Malmedy Massacre of 17 December 1944. During the Battle of the Bulge, some 120…

Veil, Simone

Simone Jacob, whose last name changed to Veil after marrying, was a young Jewish woman from France who was deported to Auschwitz in April 1944. When Polish historian Danuta Czech wrote the first edition of her Auschwitz Chronicle, she reported that not a single woman of the transport with which Ms. Jacob arrived at Auschwitz…

Voss, Peter

Peter Voss, allegedly born on 18 December 1897 in Flensburg, Germany, is said to have been an SS Oberscharführer deployed at the Auschwitz Camp. However, there does not seem to exist any documentation about the presence or activity of a person with that name at that camp. Voss is mentioned (with spelling varieties) as a…


Weise, Gottfried

Gottfried Weise (11 March 1921 – 1 March 2000), SS Unterscharführer, was deployed at the inmate property administration at the Auschwitz Camp from May 1944. Between 1986 and 1988, Weise was tried and sentenced for five cases of murder allegedly committed during his time at Auschwitz. The case of Gottfried Weise is the only legal…

Wirth, Christian

Christian Wirth (24 Nov. 1885 – 26 May 1944), SS Sturmbannführer, was a German police officer who was assigned to supervise euthanasia killings in German mental institutions in late 1939. In late 1941, he was assigned to head the Belzec Camp. In August 1942, he became inspector of the Aktion Reinhardt camps. After this operation…

Ziereis, Franz

Franz Ziereis (13 Aug. 1905 – 24 May 1945), SS Sturmbannführer, was the commandant of the Mauthausen Camp from 1939 until the end of the war. He fled on May 3 and tried hiding in his hunting lodge in the Alps, but was discovered there and, when trying to flee, was shot and badly wounded….

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