Amiel, Szymon

Szymon Amiel was a Polish Jew living in the Białystok Ghetto. He claimed that some German authorities selected him in mid-May 1944 to participate in the exhumation of mass graves, and the cremation of the bodies contained in it. Amiel testified about this in late 1944 together with another member of this unit, Salman Edelman….

Bacon, Yehuda

Yehuda Bacon (or Bakon, born 28 July 1929) was deported to Auschwitz in December 1943 at age 14. He was evacuated from there on 18 January 1945 and ultimately liberated at the Mauthausen subcamp Gunskirchen on 5 May 1945. In spite of his young age, he was not selected for gassing upon arrival, but was…

Bahir, Moshe

Moshe Bahir was an inmate of the Sobibór Camp. In his 1950 memoirs, he claimed that he had received secret notes in empty buckets brought back from the camp’s extermination sector that is said to have been cordoned off and invisible from the sector where Bahir worked and lived. These notes, allegedly written by inmates…

Bard-Nomberg, Helena

Helena Bard-Nomberg (born in 1908) was a former inmate of the Ausch­witz Camp who was interrogated by Polish authorities after the war. In her deposition, she claimed that, while her fellow inmates were driven into the gas chamber, she simply decided to stay outside and hide under some pieces of clothes – which is highly…

Bartel, Erwin

Erwin Bartel was a Polish Auschwitz inmate between 5 June 1941 and 26 October 1944, where he worked as a clerk in the Political Department under Hans Stark and Maximilian Grabner. In a deposition of 27 August 1947 in preparation for the Polish show trial against Grabner and other former Auschwitz staff members, Bartel merely…

Baskind, Ber

Ber Baskind was a survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto whose memoirs got published in France in 1945. In it, he retells stories about the Treblinka Camp he claims to have heard. According to these rumors, expensive toxic gases were used to kill within eight minutes. However, the current orthodox narrative has it that cheap engine-exhaust…

Baum, Bruno

Bruno Baum (13 Feb. 1910 – 13 Dec. 1971) was a German-Jewish communist who was arrested in 1935 for disseminating “propaganda material hostile to the State,” among other things. Baum was sentenced to 13 years for high treason in 1937. In April 1943, Baum was transferred to Auschwitz, where he worked as an inmate electrician….

Beer, Abraham

In 1945, a former inmate of the Janowska Camp in Lviv, Abraham Beer, made a deposition about what is said to have unfolded there in the second half of 1943 within the context of what today’s orthodoxy calls Aktion 1005. This deposition is characterized by the witness knowing a little bit about everything but not…

Behr, Emil

Emil Behr, a former inmate of the Auschwitz Camp, was one of many witnesses ignored by the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial because he could not, or would not, confirm the usual atrocity stories about this camp. Together with the communist self-proclaimed propagandist Bruno Baum and the convicted compulsory liar and fraudster Adolf Rögner, Behr was a…

Bendel, Charles S.

Charles S. Bendel (born 1904) was deported to Auschwitz-Monowitz in late 1943. But he was transferred to Birkenau on 2 June 1944, where he was assigned to serve as a physician for the so-called “Sonderkommando” of the crematoria. He remained there until the evacuation from the camp in January 1945. After the war, Dr. Bendel…

Bennahmias, Daniel

Daniel Bennahmias (1923 – 22 Oct. 1994) was a Greek Jew deported to Auschwitz, where he arrived on 11 April 1944. After the war, he remained absolutely silent about his wartime experiences. Only toward the end of his life did he grant interviews to a writer who then wrote his alleged Auschwitz experience down as…

Benroubi, Maurice

Maurice Benroubi (27 Dec. 1914 – 19 June 1998) was a Greek Jew who had emigrated to France, from where he was deported to Auschwitz on 20 July 1942, arriving there three days later. He was assigned to a gravedigger unit. This unit had the horrific duty to bury thousands of victims of the typhus epidemic…

Berger, Oskar

According to his own 1945 memoirs, Oskar Berger was deported from the Kielce Ghetto to Treblinka “in June 1942,” therefore a month before the camp started operating in late July 1942. He managed to escape from the camp in September 1942. Berger claims that, during the first weeks of his presence in the camp, deportees…

Berlyant, Semen

Semen Berlyant was a Ukrainian Jew working on a German-run farm near Kiev during the war. In early September 1943, he was taken from there to Babi Yar, a place where tens of thousands of Jews are said to have been shot and buried by the Germans in mass graves in late September 1941 (see…

Bialek, Regina

Regina Bialek was a Polish Jewess deported to Ausch­witz in July 1942 and later transferred to Bergen-Belsen. She participated in the British Bergen-Belsen Show Trial, for which she deposited an affidavit on 26 May 1945, which contains a remarkable string of lies (see Mattogno 2021, pp. 344f.): Following the pattern of common cliches about Auschwitz,…

Bimko, Ada

Ada Bimko was a Polish Jewess who was deported to Ausch­witz on 4 August 1943, and transferred to Bergen-Belsen on 23 November 1944. She signed two depositions for the British Bergen-Belsen Show Trial and took the stand during the trial itself. She claimed the following absurdities and falsehoods (Mattogno 2021, pp. 349-355): The SS allowed…

Biskovitz, Ya’akov

Ya’akov Biskovitz (or Jacob Biskubicz) was a Polish Jew born in 1926. In his testimony of 5 June 1961 during the Eichmann Trial, he claimed that he had seen the workings of the gas chambers at Sobibór with his own eyes, even though he wasn’t working in the presumably cordoned-off part of that camp (called…

Blaha, Franz

Franz Blaha (or František Bláha) was a Czech physician who was deported to the Dachau Camp on 30 April 1941. He testified during the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, and in that context claimed that he was ordered to investigate the result of a “test gassing” in the alleged homicidal gas chamber at Dachau, presumably supervised…

Blatt, Thomas Toivi

Thomas (Toivi) Blatt was a Polish boy 15 years of age who was deported to Sobibór in early 1943. In the 1980s, he was an advisor for the 1987 movie Escape from Sobibór. Another ten years after that, and more than half a century after the events, he published two books titled Sobibór: The Forgotten…

Blyazer, A.

A propaganda report by the Soviet terror organization NKGB dated 14 August 1944 about alleged German atrocities in the Ponary District of Lithuania contains an account by a certain A. Blyazer. The same witness was interrogated by a Soviet commission, whose report is undated, but probably from 1946. According to these two documents, Blyazer claimed…

Bomba, Abraham

Abraham Bomba (9 June 1913 – 19 Feb 2000) was a Polish Jew who appeared as a witness in several postwar trials on Treblinka. Furthermore, he gave several interviews in later years. The first interview was conducted by Claude Lanzmann in September 1979. On 28 August 1990, Bomba gave an interview to the U.S. Holocaust…


Boüard, Michel de

Michel de Boüard (5 Aug. 1909 – 28 April 1989) was professor of history at the University of Caen since 1940. An active communist since 1942, he was eventually deported to the Mauthausen Camp. After the war, he wrote several articles about his wartime experiences. When confronted with Henri Roques’s PhD thesis critiquing the so-called…

Brener, Hejnoch

Hejnoch Bren(n)er was deported to the Treblinka Camp on 15 October 1942. He was interrogated by a Soviet investigative commission on 17 August 1944. Regarding the way people were allegedly killed at Treblinka, he stated merely that 5,000 people were killed at a time in the “bath.” During another interrogation by Polish judge Zdzisław Łukaszkiewicz…

Brodsky, Isaak

Isaak Brodsky was a Ukrainian Jew who claimed to have been taken by German units in June 1943 to Babi Yar, a place where tens of thousands of Jews are said to have been shot and buried by the Germans in mass graves in late September 1941 (see the entry on Babi Yar). In an…

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