Changes are listed in reverse chronological order.
August 30, 2024
- Added a source reference to the table of the entry on Lumberjacks, and added that source to the Bibliography.
- Deleted a paragraph in the entry on Chelmno referring to W. Burmeister having been interviewed by the Polish judiciary right after the war, which he wasn’t (related to the correction made on August 22, 2024 for the Burmeister entry; see below).
August 24, 2024
- We added an entry on the concept of “Genocide.”
- We changed the initial text of the section on “Inconsistencies” in the entry on Mass Graves as follows:
previous version current version Note the inconsistent and irreconcilably different times at which the exhumations and cremations of mass graves of claimed German atrocities are said to have begun, although Himmler’s order was allegedly issued in early 1942: [table unchanged] Note also that none of this is based on any documents.
The following table lists the month and year when exhumations and cremations of mass graves of the various claimed German atrocities are said to have started. If Himmler’s order was indeed issued in early 1942, as the orthodoxy claims, then one should expect that exhumations and cremations began shortly afterwards in each of these cases. However, we find widely divergent times instead, which is inconsistent and irreconcilable with a Himmler order. [table unchanged] Note also that none of these claimed beginnings of exhumations and cremations is based on any documents.
- We fixed two typos and an ambivalent expression in the entry on Birkenau.
August 23, 2024
We added the following paragraph to the end of the entry on Richard Böck, plus an additional source reference (Rudolf 2024), which was also added to the Bibliography:
In 1972, Böck was interviewed on behalf of the British Imperial War Museum. In that interview, he not only repeated the story of the blue haze hovering over the corpses, but he moreover insisted that, during their death struggle, the victims had piled themselves up in pyramids. Böck plagiarized this claim from Miklós Nyiszli, whose false tale had been serialized in a prominent German periodical in 1961. (See Rudolf 2024 and the entry on Miklós Nyiszli.)
August 22, 2024
- The entry on Bergen-Belsen, section “Documented History,” received a brief reference to the new entry on Refeeding Syndrome (see below).
- We corrected the entry on Walter Burmeister, which had the wrong birth date, and erroneously dated one of Burmeister’s interrogations as having taken place at war’s end in Poland, when in fact both interrogations took place in 1961 in West Germany.
- The entry on Monowitz received one more bibliographic reference (see remark on Bibliography below).
- The entry on Open-Air Incinerations has one more very pertinent and exciting source (see remark on Bibliography below), which resulted in several paragraphs being expanded and edited. The essential changes and additions are:
previous version current version Abundant experience with funeral pyres in India, as well as scientifically evaluated experiences during various cattle epidemics, in particular the major hoof-and-mouth epidemic among British livestock in 2001, have led to some relatively reliable data, regarding: Abundant experience with funeral pyres in India, scientifically evaluated experiences during various cattle epidemics – especially the major hoof-and-mouth epidemic among British livestock in 2001 – as well as a dedicated scientific study designed to determine the fuel requirements for the cremation of bodies on open-air pyres, have all led to some relatively reliable data, regarding: Time and Effort
It usually takes at least one day for a large cremation pyre to burn down.
Time and Effort
Single-body cremation pyres take some 6-7 hours to burn down, with an additional 6-7 hours for the hot embers to fully consume the body. Ideally, bodies should not lie next to each other on a pyre, but should be spaced apart, to allow flames and heat to rise between them. Bodies are heat sinks during most of the cremation process. Forming a large layer of bodies interferes with complete combustion. The resulting low fire temperatures beneath the bodies lead to prolonged cremation times and increased fuel requirements.
Under no circumstances should bodies be stacked, since the upper layers of bodies start burning only once the lower layers have been almost completely consumed. Hence, the burning time of any stacked pyre increases proportionately with the number of layers.
Closely packed large-scale livestock pyres usually take at least one day to burn down.
If freshly cut wood is used instead, the amount required easily doubles, due to the high water content of fresh wood. Assuming 250 kg of fresh (green) wood per body is thus realistic. Self-immolating bodies are not part of the scientific literature, as none have ever been discovered during single-body or large-scale cremations. An Australian study of pyre cremations, using dry pine wood, found that one needed five times as much firewood as organic matter (by mass) to achieve (almost) complete “thermal degradation” only if the carcass was small and wood was added continuously. With a large carcass and stacked firewood (without addition), the wood mass requirement grows to nine times that of the carcass mass (Yermán et al.). If freshly cut wood is used instead, the amount required easily doubles, due to the high water content of fresh wood. For the German camps, assuming 250 kg of fresh (green) wood per body is thus a very low, very conservative estimate. A more realistic value is probably twice as high: perhaps 500 kg per body.
Self-immolating bodies are not part of the scientific literature, as none have ever been discovered during single-body or large-scale cremations. In fact, after a series of experiments, Yermán et al. bluntly concluded: “Self-sustained burning of animal carcasses in an open pyre configuration is not possible.”
- We added an entry on Refeeding Syndrome.
- We added an entry on Selections.
- The entry on Standing Upright, Dead Gassing Victims received one more witness (Jankiel Wiernik), whose entry also received a mention of this, his claim.
- The entry on Tools, of Mass Murder received a cross-reference to the table of abandoned murder-weapon claims included in the entry on Homicidal Gas Chambers.
- The Bibliography has three more entries: Hemstreet/Weisz (for Refeeding Syndrome), Mattogno 2024 (on Monowitz), and Yermán et al. (for Open-Air Incinerations).
- We updated a number of audio files which had not been updated in spite of changes to the written contents of their respective entries (Introduction, Belzec, Oskar Gröning, Homicidal Gas Chamber).
July 13, 2024
- We replaced numerous portrait photos of individuals with higher-quality versions, some of them improved using AI technologies. We also removed a few portraits completely where the copyright situation was unclear.
- The entry on Belzec, section Death-Toll Propaganda, received one more entry about Stefan Szende’s 5-million claim.
- The table on once claimed, but now abandoned execution methods in the entry on Homicidal Gas Chamber received a few more entries for each camp (except Majdanek).
April 13, 2024
After completely recovering and editing all contributions to CODOH’s quarterly journal Inconvenient History (IH), plus recovering all volumes, issues and articles of it’s predecessor The Revisionist, and of The Journal of Historical Review, plus adding all other items back to the CODOH library that are listed in the Holocaust Encyclopedia‘s bibliography but had been part of the site (a domain name we lost control over), we can now report that all links contained in the Encyclopedia to resources under our control are up to date and reaching the intended target. Should you still encounter errors, please report them to us, so we can fix them.
This unpaid(!) Herculean recovery effort took our volunteers Germar Rudolf plus his back-up-data-extraction helper “Black Falcon” two months of incessant database and editing work to complete. Please consider their efforts when contemplating making a donation or buying a signed book from Germar on his website
For documentation purpose, below is posted a list with all old, dysfunctional links (left column), and their replacement (right column). This list does not include links to the website, as there, the old links are on an automatic redirected to the new URL, hence they are still functional.
March 29, 2024
We accidentally posted a second portrait of Shlomo Venezia in the entry for David Olère. We replaced it with an actual image showing Olère standing in front of one of his paintings. Apologies for this mistake.
February 17, 2024
We fixed a few typos and added a paragraph to our Introduction at the end of the section headlined “Why an Encyclopedia on the Holocaust Matters,” saying:
The next chapter will analyze in detail two other, older encyclopedias on the Holocaust which are considered trail-blazing by many mainstream scholars. If statistical data seem boring or irrelevant, the reader is invited to simply skip to the next chapter titled “A Respectable Encyclopedia.”
January 29, 2024
The website Holocaust Handbooks was restructured, and in the process, all links to their books and video documentaries have changed. While they have automatic redirects from the old to the new links, we took the opportunity to update all links in our Encyclopedia’s Bibliography.
The same will have to be done with links going to articles of The Journal of Historical Review, The Revisionist, Inconvenient History (IH) and the CODOH Library, as well as with two links going to Both the IH and the CODOH site are currently down (hence no link here), as they are receiving a general overhaul. The domain name may be lost for good, hence we will have to repost the one article referred to. Once all these sites or papers are back up, and the new links are known, we will update the Encyclopedia’s links as well. In the meantime, all we can do is to apologize for any links resulting in mere error messages of web pages not found.
January 5, 2024
We added a redirect for the term “farmhouses, makeshift gas chambers at Birkenau” pointing to the entry on Bunkers: farmhouses, makeshift gas chambers at Birkenau → Bunkers
January 3, 2024
A sequence in the entry on Gröning, Oskar, was revised as follows
Old Version | New Version (new text underlined) |
In fact, the latter were probably blazing at their highest intensity when Gröning arrived in late September 1942. This must have left quite an impression on the young man. | In fact, the latter were probably blazing at their highest intensity when Gröning arrived in late September 1942. However, these pyres did not burn gas-chamber victims, as the orthodoxy claims, but thousands of victims of the raging typhus epidemic that had gotten out of control in the summer of 1942. (See the entry on Birkenau, and the section on Auschwitz in the entry on mass graves.) These fires left quite an impression on the young man. |
We added two brief entries on the two individuals who took the photographs that were later assembled into what came to be kn own as The Auschwitz Album, on the arrival and processing of Jews deported from Hungary to Auschwitz in the summer of 1944: Hofmann, Ernst and Walter, Bernhard.
We furthermore added a redirect for the term “Haavara” pointing to the entry on Emigration: Haavara Agreement → Emigration