Puchała, Lucjan

Lucjan Puchała was a Polish railway worker at Małkinia Station near Treblinka until June 1942, and then at the construction of the track from Treblinka Station to the sand pit near the Treblinka I Labor Camp. Necessarily from pure hearsay, he reported, among other things:

  • There were 8 brick-and-cement gas chambers for 700 victims per chamber, hence together 3,200 victims. The orthodoxy insists, however, that there were initially only three chambers in a wooden building, with ten more in a brick-and-cement building added later. According to German court decisions, the room size was allegedly just 16 m² for the old and 32 m² for the new chambers. Squeezing 700 people into each would have resulted in an impossible packing density of either 44 or 22 people per square meter.
  • Mass graves measuring “several dozen meters in length,” 15 m deep and 10 m wide, were dug with excavators. That is three times as deep as most other claims, and refuted by archeological research, as there is no spot in the camp area showing soil disturbances going that deep.
  • He claimed to have observed from the gravel pit near the labor camp Treblinka I, several miles away, with forests in between and no hills anywhere, what was going on at the Treblinka II Camp. Why would anyone believe that?
  • Once filled, the mass graves were cemented over. That is a unique claim which would have drastically complicated exhuming the graves later. In other words: it didn’t happen.
  • Cremating corpses began in the fall of 1942, but on a large scale only in winter after Himmler’s visit. This claimed timing is somewhat off the orthodox narrative, as Himmler’s visit with subsequent cremations is usually claimed for March 1943. But since there is no trace of any Himmler visit ever happening in this context, all this is mere rumor mongering anyhow.

This is yet another example of why testimonies from hearsay should never be permitted, either in courts of law or in historiography. (For more details, see Mattogno 2021e, pp. 165f.)

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