Adametz, Gerhard

Gerhard Adametz was in U.S. captivity after the war at Dachau, where he was interrogated, most likely using the customary torture applied by the Americans to many, if not most of their captives. (See the entry on torture.) He signed a 36-pages-long handwritten statement on 17 October 1945. However, that original has disappeared. All that…

Aumeier, Hans

Hans Aumeier (20 Aug. 1906 – 24 Jan. 1948), SS Hauptsturmführer at the time, was transferred to Auschwitz on 16 February 1942, and was head of the Protective-Custody Camp at the Auschwitz Main Camp until 15 August 1943. From October 1943 onward, he was commandant of the Vaivara Concentration Camp in Estonia, and in February…

Bach-Zelewski, Erich von dem

Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski (1 March 1899 – 8 March 1972) was SS Obergruppenführer during the war and served as Higher SS and Police leader (Höhere SS und Polizeiführer) in the central part of occupied western Russia, hence basically today’s Belorussia. In this area, Einsatzgruppe B was charged with, among other things, fighting partisans and,…

Becher, Kurt

Kurt Becher (12 Sept. 1909 – 8 Aug. 1995), SS Obersturmbannführer, was a member of the SS leadership office in very early 1944, from which he was assigned to procure horses and strategic goods in Hungary. In this connection, he was part of the famous negotiations between Himmler and Zionist organizations to exchange Jews for…

Becker, August

August Becker (17 Aug. 1900 – 31 Dec. 1967), at war’s end an SS Obersturmführer, was a German Chemist who is said to have had a leading role in developing gas chambers for the Third Reich’s euthanasia program. Later, he was presumably assigned to Office II D 3a of wartime Germany’s Department of Homeland Security…

Blobel, Paul

Right before the beginning of the war against the Soviet Union, SS Standartenführer Paul Blobel (13 Aug. 1894 – 7 June 1951) was assigned head of Sonderkommando 4a within Einsatzgruppe C in Ukraine. According to the Einsatzgruppen reports, his men were involved in the mass execution of Jews, among them the claimed massacre at Babi…

Böck, Richard

Auschwitz according to Richard Böck: (Courtesy of French cartoon artist Konk) The victims were pushed into the gas chamber. The door was closed and Zyklon B introduced. There was a wait of a few minutes. And when the door was opened: “I was surprised that the inmate commando assigned to remove the bodies entered the…

Boger, Wilhelm

Wilhelm Boger (19 Dec. 1906 – 3 April 1977), SS Oberscharführer, was employed at the Political Department of the Auschwitz Camp, where he investigated inmate escapes and theft, among other things. He was arrested on 19 June 1945, in Ludwigsburg, Germany, by U.S. service units. While in U.S. custody, he was “softened up,” probably with…

Broad, Pery S.

Pery Broad (25 April 1921 – 28 Nov. 1993), SS Unterscharführer, is one of the best-known SS witnesses who provided a detailed description of an alleged homicidal gas chamber at Auschwitz. Broad was a colleague of Wilhelm Boger at the camp’s Political Department. Like Boger, Broad also penned a “confession” allegedly voluntarily written for the…

Burmeister, Walter

Walter Burmeister (born 2 May 1906), SS Oberscharführer, is said to have occasionally driven a gas van at the Chełmno Camp. Interrogated on 23 March 1961 by the German judiciary in preparation for the West-German Chełmno Show Trial at Bonn, he described the vans as they appear in the extant authentic correspondence between Germany’s Department…

Christophersen, Thies

Thies Christophersen (27 Jan. 1918 – 13. Feb. 1997) was a German farmer who was put in charge of breeding efforts of a Russian type of dandelion producing a liquid similar to a natural rubber, like caoutchouc. The experiments were conducted at the village of Rajsko near Auschwitz, and inmates of the Auschwitz Camp were…

Dejaco, Walter

Walter Dejaco (19 June 1909 – 9 Jan. 1978), SS Untersturmführer, was an architect employed by the Auschwitz Central Construction Office. As head of the planning department, he was deeply involved in the construction of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp, including the crematoria (see index entries in Mattogno 2023, Part 1). On 16 September 1942, together with…


Demjanjuk, John

John Demjanjuk (3 April 1920 – 17 March 2012) was a Ukrainian citizen who immigrated to the U.S. after the Second World War. He and many other Ukrainian immigrants were targeted by pro-Soviet groups in the U.S. for their alleged collaboration with German authorities during World War II. U.S. authorities cooperated with these pro-Soviet groups,…


Eichmann, Adolf

Adolf Eichmann (19 March 1906 – 1 June 1962), SS Obersturmbannführer, was head of Sub-Department IV D4 of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (wartime Germany’s Department of Homeland Security) from 19 December 1939, charged with overseeing Jewish affairs and evacuation/deportation of the Jews. As such, he was responsible for the deportation of several million Jews to the various…

Erber, Josef

Josef Erber (16 Oct. 1897 – 31 Oct. 1987), SS Oberscharführer at war’s end, was an ethnic German from Bohemia. He was deployed to the Auschwitz Camp in November 1940, where he served first as a guard, then in the armory, and finally from mid-1942 in the Political Department of the Auschwitz Camp (camp Gestapo)….

Fischer, Horst

Horst Fischer (31 Dec. 1910 – 8 July 1966) was a wartime physician and SS Hauptsturmführer. From 6 November 1942 until 1944 he was deployed as camp physician at the labor camp Auschwitz-Monowitz and at the worksite of the nearby Buna branch of the German chemical giant I.G. Farbenindustrie. In September 1944, he became deputy…

Franke-Gricksch, Alfred

Alfred Franke-Gricksch (30 Nov. 1906 – 18 Aug. 1952), SS Obersturmbannführer, was an SS bureaucrat. He was arrested by the Soviets in 1951 in East Berlin, and after a show trial in Moscow, he was sentenced to death and executed for his alleged propaganda, espionage and counter-revolutionary activities, but not for any involvement in mass-murder…

Franz, Kurt

Kurt Franz (17 Jan. 1914 – 4 July 1998), SS Oberscharführer, was deployed as a guard at the Buchenwald Camp, and later as a cook at several institutions of the Third Reich’s euthanasia action. In April 1942 he was assigned as a guard at the Belzec Camp. In September 1942, he became deputy commandant of…

Gerstein, Kurt

Kurt Gerstein (11 Aug. 1905 – 25 July 1945), SS Obersturmführer, was a mining engineer by education, and from early 1942, head of the technical disinfection services of the hygiene department of the Waffen-SS’s health services. In that role, he was involved in supplying the Auschwitz Camp with the pesticide Zyklon B. He also inspected the…


Globocnik, Odilo

Odilo Globocnik (21 April 1904 – 31 May 1945), SS Gruppenführer, during the war SS and Police Leader of the General Government (occupied Poland), and in charge of implementing the Aktion Reinhardt. After the war, he was arrested by a British unit, who interrogated him, possibly with the help of their customary torture, after which…

Grabner, Maximilian

Maximilian Grabner (2 Oct. 1905 ­– 24 Jan. 1948), SS Untersturmführer, was a detective with the Vienna police, and later with the State Police at Kattowitz. In June 1940, he was transferred to Auschwitz to become head of that camp’s Political Department. In December 1943, he was arrested for unlawful appropriation of inmate property (embezzlement)…

Gröning, Oskar

Oskar Gröning (10 June 1921 ­– 9 March 2018), SS Unterscharführer, was deployed from late September 1942 in the department that stored and administered inmate valuables at the Auschwitz Camp. Although several criminal investigations were initiated after the war, all were eventually shelved. He volunteered to give an interview for the 2005 BBC atrocity-propaganda movie…

Hähle, Johannes

Various photographs presumably taken by Johannes Hähle at Kiev between 29 September and 1 October 1941. Johannes Hähle is said to have been a German military photographer with the 637th Propaganda Company of the German Sixth Army. Between 29 September and 1 October 1941, a series of photographs were taken in Kiev, which are attributed…

Hassler, Johann

Johann Hassler, SS Unterscharführer, testified some 16 years after the war that he once operated a gas van for the Ein­satz­grup­pen near Minsk. The vehicle he drove had a complex system of piping exhaust gases into the cargo box: to the exhaust pipe, a “connecting piece with a thread” had been added, onto which “a…

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