Edelman, Salman

Salman Edelman was a Polish Jew living in the Białystok Ghetto. He claimed that some German authorities selected him in mid-May 1944 to participate in the exhumation of mass graves, and the cremation of the bodies contained in it. Edelman testified about this after the war together with another member of this unit, Szymon Amiel….

Ehrenburg, Ilya

Ilya Ehrenburg (26 Jan. 1891 – 31 Aug. 1967) was a Soviet-Jewish journalist and the Soviet Union’s main war propagandist. He was put in charge of submitting daily articles to the Western Allies in order to foment “hate, hate, and more hate” against everything Ger­man, as Stalin put it. In fact, Ehrenburg ended up writing…


Eichmann, Adolf

Adolf Eichmann (19 March 1906 – 1 June 1962), SS Obersturmbannführer, was head of Sub-Department IV D4 of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (wartime Germany’s Department of Homeland Security) from 19 December 1939, charged with overseeing Jewish affairs and evacuation/deportation of the Jews. As such, he was responsible for the deportation of several million Jews to the various…


Historical Context In Western and Central Europe, and in particular in Poland and Germany, it was well-known since 1918/1919 that the Bolshevists and their Red Army exhibited a savage bestiality during warfare and even in peacetime that was unparalleled in modern history. In addition, the Soviet Union rescinded any agreement of international law that Czarist…

Eisenschmidt, Eliezer

Eliezer Eisenschmidt (born 1920) was deported to Auschwitz, arriving there on 8 December 1942. He testified about his alleged experiences in Auschwitz only in 1993, when interviewed by Israeli historian Gideon Greif. Although he arrived at Auschwitz just two days after Szlama Dragon and claims to have worked at the same place and at the…

Eitan, Dov

Dov Eitan was an Israeli defense lawyer who led the successful defense team of John Demjanjuk during his show trial in Jerusalem in 1987. The day before Demjanjuk’s appeal trial before the Jerusalem Court of Appeals was to start, Eitan jumped – or fell, or was thrown – to his death from the 20th floor…


Point 4 of the program of the National-Socialist Party states: “[German] Citizen can only be who is a member of the people. A member of the people is who is of German blood, with no regard to the confession. No Jew can therefore be a member of the people.” When Hitler’s party came to power…

Engel, Chaim

Chaim Engel was an inmate of the Sobibór Camp. In a deposition of 19 July 1946, he claimed that the gas was fed into the gas chambers through showerheads, and that, after the murder, the floors opened, and the bodies were discharged into a space below. He claimed a total of some 800,000 victims for…

Epstein, Berthold

Berthold Epstein was a professor of medicine from Prague, who was incarcerated at the Auschwitz Camp until it was captured by the Soviets on 27 January 1945. Together with three other European professors – Bruno Fischer, Henri Limousin and Géza Mansfeld – and coached by their Soviet conquerors, he signed an appeal on 4 March…

Erber, Josef

Josef Erber (16 Oct. 1897 – 31 Oct. 1987), SS Oberscharführer at war’s end, was an ethnic German from Bohemia. He was deployed to the Auschwitz Camp in November 1940, where he served first as a guard, then in the armory, and finally from mid-1942 in the Political Department of the Auschwitz Camp (camp Gestapo)….


Escapes, from Gas Chamber

Numerous self-declared eyewitnesses of homicidal gas chambers have declared that they miraculously escaped from a gas chamber when they were just about to get gassed. The following individuals made such claims: Regina Bialek (Auschwitz) Arnold Friedman (Auschwitz) Mietek Grocher (Majdanek) Sofia Litwinska (Auschwitz) Filip Müller (Auschwitz) Moshe Peer (Bergen-Belsen) Mary Seidenwurm Wrzos (Majdanek)



On the day Germany’s armed forces invaded Poland, Hitler signed an order permitting the “mercy killing” of severely mentally disabled persons in what is called Germany’s Euthanasia Program. In charge of the program was Viktor Brack, a high official in the Reich’s Chancellery. The program was also called Aktion T4, an acronym for the Berlin…

Evacuations, from German Camps

Toward the end of the war, as Allied forces approached German concentration camps, orders were issued to evacuate all inmates capable of walking. Initially, this only affected the eastern camps threatened by the Red Army. Lublin (Majdanek) and Auschwitz were among the first camps to be subjected to this order. Some ghettos whose production facilities…


Technically speaking, evidence is an object or piece of information aiming to prove the veracity, or at least high probability, of a particular claim. Not all pieces of evidence are created equal. In science as well as in jurisprudence, there exists a general hierarchy of the types of evidence, ranked by their ability to prove…

Exaggerated Death Tolls

Right after the war, wild numbers of inmates killed at various German wartime camps circulated in the media and among historians, often initiated by unsubstantiated or fraudulent claims, made by witnesses or official “expert reports.” The following table lists several of the better-known German camps. The second column gives the number of victims claimed immediately…

Execution Chambers

Witnesses have claimed all kinds of methods allegedly used in certain facilities to mass murder people at German wartime camps. Nowadays, the orthodoxy only reco­gnizes claims as valid which posit the use of toxic gases, hence homicidal gas chambers (see that entry for details). However, during the war and in the immediate postwar years, when…


Exotic Murder Weapons

Many of the commonly claimed murder methods allegedly used during the Holocaust, are exotic in nature by objective standards, but due to incessant exposure to tales about them, we have become calloused as to their peculiar nature, and have accepted them as “normal.” This includes homicidal gas chambers as well as gas vans, which both…


Extermination Camps

In the context of the Jewish Holocaust, the term “extermination camp” refers to camps established by the German authorities or any of their allies with the claimed exclusive, main or auxiliary purpose of exterminating inmates in masses, either by mass execution (shooting) or by mass gassings in stationary gas chambers or mobile gas vans. In…

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