Plucer, Regina

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Regina Plucer was a Polish Jewess who was interned at the Auschwitz Camp from August 1943 until January 1945. On 11 May 1945, hence not even four months after leaving Auschwitz, she signed an affidavit in preparation for the Bergen-Belsen show trial. She asserted in it, among other things, that she had been deployed in dismantling Crematoria II and/or III. In that context, she claimed that Son­der­kom­man­do members told her how the gas chambers and cremation furnaces had worked, which means that she had only hearsay information:

  • Victims were often tipped from a truck down a chute. However, there was no access for trucks to the entry having a chute, and the chute was not right at the door, so no truck could have tipped anyone down the chute.
  • The gas chamber could hold about a thousand persons (4.8/m²). This is one of the very rare realistic assertions regarding the packing density of victims in the alleged gas chamber.
  • She erroneously located the furnace room directly over Morgue #2 (the alleged undressing room), although there were no structures above either of the morgues.
  • She claimed that there were 15 separate furnaces rather than the actual five furnaces with three muffles each.
  • The corpses were allegedly loaded onto carts running on rails, and loaded from the carts into the furnaces. While that was the original design, it was installed only in Crematorium II for a short while, but then removed and replaced with simple stretchers. Birkenau Son­der­kom­man­do members still alive in late 1944 would not have described the device as the method used to introduce corpses into the furnaces. But Plucer may have seen the rails in the floor of Crematorium II and extrapolated from there.
  • The furnaces were allegedly wood-fired – when indeed they were coke-fired.
  • Poison powder was poured into the chamber through ten small chimneys – while there were none at all, yet the orthodoxy insists on four of them per chamber.
  • On Plucer’s instructions, a plan of Crematorium II was drawn, including the basement with the alleged undressing room and gas chamber. However, she aligned them side by side, separated by a wall, rather than in a rectangular fashion, connected by a hallway and vestibule. The rest of the plan is similarly invented and in stark contradiction to the actual layout.

Plucer’s enormous blunders can only be explained by assuming that either she was not a member of the demolition squad, received false information from Son­der­kom­man­do members, or simply signed a false deposition. (For more details, see Mattogno 2021, pp. 357-361.)

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