Czech, Danuta

Danuta Czech (1922 – 4 April 2002) was a Polish historian and deputy director of the Polish Auschwitz Museum. She was the lead historian of the Auschwitz Museum’s project to write a day-by-day chronology of the Auschwitz Camp. This project got initiated when West Germany started its investigation against former members of the Auschwitz Camp’s staff, which ended in the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial. The results were published in a Polish periodical specifically established for that purpose, and shortly later in German translation (also in a periodical specifically established for that purpose), evidently in order to influence the West-German criminal investigations. This Auschwitz Chronicle was re-published in an updated version in 1989 in German and in 1990 in English (Czech 1989, 1990).
A detailed comparison of what Czechs claims about her sources with what they really state, and with the many sources she ignored, demonstrates that, when it comes to claims of mass exterminations, Czech’s Auschwitz Chronicle is a mere jumble of conjectures, distortions, inventions and omissions. She used these mendacious methods to systematically draw a historical image depicting the defendants at that trial – and the German nation at large – as unfathomably perverted monsters. Czech even had the nerve to testify during the Frankfurt Show Trial and commit perjury by making blatantly false claims about the evidence she relied upon when writing her texts. (For details, see Mattogno 2022b; Rudolf 2019b.)
The entire operation was Poland’s successful attempt at having the West-German judiciary accept and cast in stone the Polish-Communist Auschwitz narrative, which portrays the German nation as a monster, and instills in Germans an eternal feeling of guilt. This also had the effect of securing for all time the spoils Poland gained from the greatest ethnic cleansing mankind has ever seen – the Eastern German provinces of Pomerania, Silesia, West Prussia and southern East Prussia. (The northern part of East Prussia went to Soviet Russia, now the “Kaliningrad Oblast”; see the section “Poland” in the entry on Propaganda.)
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