Strawczyński, Oskar

Oskar Strawczyński was a Polish Jew deported to the Treblinka Camp, where he claims to have arrived on 5 October 1942. He was interviewed about his experiences on 7 October 1945. His knowledge about the claimed exterminations occurring at that camp are all from hearsay:

“From the accounts of Hersz Jabłkowski, who was a blacksmith and came from Stoczek Węgrowski, I know what the gas chambers looked like.” – Jabłkowski allegedly helped build the gas-chamber facility.

Strawczyński stated that there were four concrete chambers measuring 3 m × 3 m – while the orthodoxy insists on three wooden (4 m × 4 m) or ten concrete chambers (8 m × 4 m).

He didn’t know how the killing was done, but assumed either vacuum or exhaust gases.

He claimed that during the first 130 days of the camp’s operation, three trains with 60 cars each packed with 100 people, arrived every day and were exterminated at the camp. This amounts to some 2,340,000 victims – as opposed to the some 800,000 claimed by the orthodoxy.

Erroneous hearsay information, unfounded speculations and exaggerated death-toll claims are the hallmarks of this testimony that isn’t worth the paper it is written on. A book co-authored with another self-proclaimed Treblinka survivor, Israel Cymlich, appeared in 2007 with the title Escaping Hell in Treblinka. Sixty years of exposure to massively memory-manipulating influences (see the entry on false-memory syndrome) certainly did not make his claims – or Cymlich’s first-time claims – on alleged exterminations more relevant or reliable.

(See Mattogno 2021e, pp. 138, 156f.)

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